St. Patrick Cathedral 1993-1994
Before I moved to Bective, I spent a year in St Patrick’s Cathedral sketching, going for the full day three or four times a week. Sometimes I worked in oil and other times with pastel. It’s a subject I’ve returned to many times referring to the drawings or sketches as I paint an image. This is why there are mixed mediums and styles in the collection. The pictures weren’t painted in one block of time but individually over the years. I enjoy the peacefulness in a church or cathedral and often spent time in them. Maybe that’s why I now live in a church.
The hallowed cathedral is a splendid ancient Gothic gem, vast with a high vaulted ceiling. It is steeped in the history of the Knights of St Patrick. In every corner there is ancient memory of the people who passed through this dark, historic building and one can feel always a palpable presence. It has many visitors although there were times when no tourist was there and I had the place almost to myself. Often a person would stand for a while observing what I was sketching after which they might make some comment. Some would stay and chat for longer periods.
All Saints
Gothic Glory
Knights in White Satin
Spirits from the Past
Underneath the Arches
Knights of St. Patrick
Gothic Gold
Rear View
Facing East